People talk a great deal about quality …but what exactly is it?
For Nardi, since the company was founded, it has been one of the essential requirements for all its products and processes. It is a set of regulations, checks and standards…
People talk a great deal about quality …but what exactly is it?
For Nardi, since the company was founded, it has been one of the essential requirements for all its products and processes. It is a set of regulations, checks and standards that must be respected to ensure that every piece of outdoor furniture that leaves the company is really high quality.
It involves complex organisation that allows the company's know-how to be protected and gradually improved: each coded procedure is the outcome of experience, ideas and continuous upgrading of company activities.
At Nardi, quality lies in details, in doing things well while always keeping the promises made to customers and improving as a result of their feedback.
It lies in procedures, avoiding waste, working responsibly and in putting trust in people.
Quality implies the willingness and ability to constantly evolve and keeps the company continuously focused on innovation.
Quality is knowledge that triggers a virtuous circle of resources, efficiency, flexibility and competitive advantages while covering a wide range of areas: from raw materials to production, environmental sustainability and occupational safety. This wealth of experience becomes a value for everyone: first and foremost, for our customers but also for our suppliers, the market, the community and the local area.
Quality is the best tool for customer loyalty and the most effective strategy against competition. In 2020, we made further investments in quality by adopting a new internal management system to efficiently manage all our company processes.
Quality is the best tool for customer loyalty and the most effective strategy against competition. In 2020, we made further investments in quality by adopting a new internal management system to efficiently manage all our company processes.
Using coded regulations, Discovery Quality tracks all procedures, which become specific tasks to be performed.
Starting with selecting the supplier and ending with the declaration of conformity for the finished product, the system processes, defines and controls all production cycle activities.
Incoming materials must pass a series of controls.
For polymer, the first step is to check that the order matches the transport document. Then the material is visually inspected, checking the shapes of granules and the presence of any impurities. In addition, a small quantity of the material is stored so that if problems should arise, it can be sent back to the supplier for any necessary tests.
As for the colour of the polymer, the operator must always check, with the colour tolerance chart, that the new batch matches the previous one.
Lastly, for aluminium tubes, the length, thickness and diameter of each piece must be checked.
When raw materials pass all the tests specified by the management system, the operator proceeds with validation, effectively authorising them to be sent to the next step, i.e. production.
Controlling incoming materials also means maintaining their quality over time. This is what we do in our silos, where polypropylene is stored in a hygienic, antiseptic, non-contaminated and safe environment.
All Nardi products are tracked.
When a shop sells a Nardi chair or table, it is sure to deliver a high-quality piece of furniture. Its accompanying labels are proof of this, and a very valuable source of information.
Each piece of our…
All Nardi products are tracked.
When a shop sells a Nardi chair or table, it is sure to deliver a high-quality piece of furniture. Its accompanying labels are proof of this, and a very valuable source of information.
Each piece of our outdoor furniture has 2 labels: one for quality control, identifying the operator who inspected it, and one with the item barcode. Each product is also marked with a date stamp, indicating the date of manufacture.
This information, which can be cross-checked at any time, allows the production batch to be easily traced and therefore also the raw material used in the moulding process, the supplier from whom it was purchased, and the material used for the packaging: all useful information for prompt intervention if any discrepancies should occur.
The same labels are also affixed to the shipping pallets along with a third label, called a LOADING UNIT, used to clearly identify the production order.
Quality is never accidental, and tracking the process of a product is about ensuring its quality.